We must consider everything in our body. All of the things that go into us can affect our vitality. Second, we must never force our body in one direction. This could always lead to problems. Balancing our health can be done through proper diet, normal water intake and exercise. Nourishment is also important since this can determine how well we act on our work.
Diversifying or disruptive selection increases genetic variance when natural selection selects for two or more extreme phenotypes that each have specific advantages.
Diagram, in attachments
From the left side of the screen to the right,that is from a structure with a sugar structure with two other molecules attached to it.
The first molecular structure is Nucleotides. Reasons it contains the middle ribose sugar(5-carbon)connected to the phosphate group and Nitrogenous bases.This is the structure of nucleotides and when this is joined by phosphodiester bond between one a nucleotide, to the phosphate group of another nucleotide molecule it forms a nucleic acid molecule.
The second structure from left to right with long carbon chains, it is a lipid.That js an Ester formed from the reaction of fatty acids with alcohol glycerol.
However, the presence of Phophate group in structure makes it different from a normal tryglycerides.The phosphate group has replaced one of the the three fatty acid molecules.Therefore it is called Phospholipid.With one hydropholic ends(phosphate ends) and the hyrophobic end the carbon chain,with one unsaturated. The lipids molecules are held together my ester bonds.
The next structure is the protein structure(dipeptide).Genrally amino acid is made up of the central Alpha carbon connected on the right by the Carbonyl group(coo-) on the left by the Amine(NH2) group.The R-group which determines the type of amino acids and hyrdogen atom.In the above structure condensation reaction has occurred between the hydrogen atom of the amine group and carbonyl group of the other amino unit to form a dipeptide.The bond formed from the condensation is the peptide bond.
The last structure on the far right are the carbohydrate -ring structure and the straight chains.The functional groups of the CHO -Carbonyl group and hydroxyl group are glues to this.
DNA is the molecule that contains the genetic information that is transmitted hereditary and controls the cellular functioning