The majority of signal molecules are peptides and small proteins. Both are made of a chain of amino acids, the difference being the number of amino acids that make up the molecule. Generally, if the signal molecules has fewer than 50 amino acids it is considered a peptide. If it has more it is considered a protein.
The procedure by which the parent cell's cytoplasm is differentiated into two daughter cells produced either through meiosis or mitosis is known as cytokinesis. This is also called cell cleavage or cytoplasmic division. The initiation of cytokinesis takes place in anaphase stage in animal cells and prophase in plant cells, and culminates in both in telophase stage, to produce the two daughter cells.
The process of cytokinesis occurs in four stages, that is, initiation, contraction, membrane insertion, and completion. The occurrences taking place within these stages vary in plant and animal cells.
Knowledge it expected that an individual have the ability to recall some specific terms,facts,methods, processes, pattern, structure, or setting of a thing without necessarily understanding the concept.
Comprehension is the understanding an individual knows or get from what is being communicated and the ability to make use of the idea that is been communicated without seeing the full expression if it.
Comprehension is the explanation and understanding of knowledge i.e what is known and can be recalled.
Organisms from all six kingdoms have DNA but some are not enclosed inside the nucleus but scattered in the cytoplasm.Only eukaryotes have nuclei where DNA strands are enclosed.