The best way to stay hydrated is take a drink whenever you pass a water fountain
I believe that it is the monroe Doctrine
This is TRUE because it was a tax protest on the United States in 1791. It was the first tax imposed on a product with the newly formed government.
cC) they both enjoy direct access to interests 85 and 95 which allow goods to be shipped between each other easier.
The answer is: a Human Resource Inventory.
A human resource inventory, which is also called a skills inventory, is much more than just listing down the names of the employees and contact information. It also includes information needed to identify the qualifications of the personel, therefore it contains, amongst other things, education, skills, job experience, etc.
Organizations use this listing for HHRR planning, also, this inventory is usefull when there are job oppenings in the firm, the listing helps identify potential candidates whithin the firm.