You the Fontainebleau hotel in Miami? (know) 2. We are dependents of that store. (know) 3. You all the students, right? (know) 4. Yes, I love your cousins. (know) 5. Daniela not the name of the seller. (know) 6. Mr. Paredes where the shop is. (know) 7. Tourists do not haggle. (know) 8. Peter not Anne. (know) 9. You a lot of vocabulary. (know) 10. Antonio and I ride horses. (know)
Paco camina hacia _______ (say where Paco is going and if the place is masculine write "el" before it, feminine "la" before it).
Lola tiene ________ libros (say how many books Lola has and if its one book write " un libro").
________ canta (name of person who is singing and if its plural change to "cantan").
I can't answer the whole thing because I don't know what the picture shows.