In O'Brien's excerpt those sentences are: <span>In a way, it seemed, he was part of the morning fog, or my own imagination, but there was also the reality of what was happening in my stomach. This sentence evokes a bodily reaction and calls it "the reality". It is not just imagined; it really happens. </span><span>I tried to swallow whatever was rising from my stomach, which tasted like lemonade, something fruity and sour. It's as if his body has its own way of processing the distressing information. He feels a very specific kind of nausea, triggered by his mental processes.
In Steinbeck's excerpt it's these sentences: </span><span>In all kinds of combat the whole body is battered by emotion. The ductless glands pour their fluids into the system to make it able to stand up to the great demand on it. They describe a very physical reaction, which is a product of emotional distress. It's as if the body is trying to defend the whole system from detrimental factors.</span>
Here you go m8!
The climate change affects the plants and animals like the new growth of plants will be destroyed by the wind ,rain etc. The street animals will also suffer from this climate. They air they breathe will be bad for them, especially for smaller animals like birds.
Answer: Hello, I can give you some summarys but i dont know if it wold help so.......
Explanation: Shortly after Herbert’s execution, Stevenson visits death row to catch up with several new clients, including Walter. Afterward, he travels to Monroeville to meet Walter’s large extended family. Gathered together in a small trailer, they passionately explain to Stevenson their indignation at Walter’s conviction, particularly when they were all with him at the time of the murder. Stevenson writes that the family’s hums of agreement were the kind of “wordless testimony of struggle and anguish” he heard “all the time growing up in a rural black church.” Walter’s sister Armelia expresses that the court’s dismissal of Walter’s alibi makes her feel that she has been “convicted too.” A debate arises about whether or not Walter, whom they call “Johnny D”, even needed an alibi, given his upstanding character.