The particles are locked in space. they are compactly arranged.
I'm guessing the rocket scenario is the first one and the asteroid one is the last. That being said...
1) The fuel in the rocket provides it with the energy it needs to propel itself into space. The rocket throttles at the bottom, allow it to break free from the earth's gravity by pushing against the earth's greater mass.
2) If you are inside of the bus, in a fixed spot not moving, and the bus is moving. That means you are moving in the same direction as the bus. If it stops, you're still moving at the speed that it was once originally moving at. Obviously, since you weigh less than the bus you are going to fly forwards.
3) There is no gravity or friction in space, so items won't slow down no matter what. Even if an object such as a meteor is flung into space with the tiniest bit of force it will keep flying through space at a consistent speed, since there's nothing to slow it down... unless it hits something else.
4) Looking back at the previous answer, the asteroid is flying through space at a consistent speed (which is really fast). Suddenly it comes in close range to the moon which is bigger in size, and thus has a stronger gravitational pull, and pulls the asteroid into it's field.
Answer: the two tropics zones
Between the two tropics zones, which includes the equator, the Sun is directly overhead twice per year. Outside the tropic zones, whether to the south or north, the Sun is never directly overhead. Two other significant lines of latitude are the Arctic Circle (around the North Pole) and the Antarctic Circle (around the South Pole).
Abiotic components of an ecosystem are water, air, light, soil, and temperature.
Now think about how the availability of these things will affect what could live in a specific area.
Consider a desert ecosystem. Deserts are arid, receiving little rain (water) and have extreme temperatures (both cold and hot). Because of these conditions only certain plants and animals can live here. These plants and animals have adaptations that are specific to the environment. If you were to put an organism that does not belong in there, they would most likely die out.
Tidbit for you. The Atacama desert is one of the driest places in the world, located specifically in Chile. At one point, this place did not receive any rain for 500 years! Still plants and animals are able to live in this area. When it finally did rain, the sudden downpour caused a radical change in this ecosystem. You would think at first rain would be good, but no. Because the changes the rain brought was too drastic, it caused a devastating effect on the organisms that lived there because they were not adapted to rain.
Dextrose and fructose are both types of sugar. the sugar with the best flavor. plenty of whole grains. the starch. called milk sugar.
It is also found naturally in other plant foods such as honey, sugar beets, sugar cane, and vegetables. Fructose is the sweetest naturally occurring carbohydrate, 1.2 to 1.8 times more sweeter than sucrose (table sugar). is the sweetness of Fructose metabolism does not require insulin and has little effect on blood sugar levels. There are many different types of sugar, some more common than others. Fructose, like glucose, is a type of sugar known as a simple sugar or "simple sugar". Monosaccharides can be combined to form disaccharides, the most common of which is sucrose, or "sugar." Sucrose is made up of 50% fructose and 50% glucose. Fructose and glucose have the same chemical formula (C6H12O6), but due to their different molecular structures, fructose is 1.2 to 1.8 times sweeter than sucrose. In fact, fructose is the sweetest natural carbohydrate.
In nature, fructose is most commonly found as a component of sucrose. Fructose is also found in plants as a simple sugar, but that doesn't mean other sugars don't exist.
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