Canaliculi are tiny canals in bone between osteocytes containing osteocyte cell processes. A spongy bone, also known as a cancellous bone, is a bone with latticelike appearance. A compact bone is a bone that is denser and has fewer spaces than cancellous bone. A compact bone has canaliculi but the spongy bone doesn't, because compact bone tissues form the outer layer of the bone while the cancellous bone tissues form the inner layer of the bone and it does not have osteons. Anosteon is a single central canal, with its contents, and the associated lamellae and osteocytes surrounding it.
Since Phosphorus is an essential component of phospholipids, nucleic acids, phosphoproteins (casein), high energy phosphate esters (ATP), hexose phosphates, creatine phosphate, it also provides strength to the exoskeletons of clams and oysters.
Answer: Genetic Drift
It's all based on sampling errors.
27-May-2019 · 1 answer
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