although i have not read the article, i can conclude from the keywords (grave & egyptian), that the answer is probably D.
the backstory behind my reasoning is that it's called a Grave Matter. that eliminates the possibility of answer 'A'. also, i believe we can eliminate C, because the name of the article makes me think otherwise. B is probably a contestant, but my choice (if i haven't read the article) would be D. please let me know if this works or not.
The wages that you make, after taxes have been taken out, is called your net pay
Well you can’t live without food and water because water hydrates you and well food keeps you not from starving cause it could possibly kill you I’m pretty sure so yea
hey dude everything will be fine haha are you looking for someone to write this for you???
you should write about your dad or grandpa like
What details about the physical appearance or conduct of your dad/grandpa would add to my impression?
What personal habits does he have?
How does he react under stress?
How does he react to other people?
What impression does his facial expression bring to others?
write it on a site that counts your words and it should be easy
unless youre looking for someone to do it for you we would have to know your family members haha or someone that you know very closely