The first civilizations developed in North Africa, Middle East, and South and East Asia because of the advantages that this areas offered to the people inhabiting them. The biggest advantage were the big rivers with long and wide fertile plains beside them, which enabled the people to be involved in agriculture and produce big amounts of food and even reserves. Since the food problem was solved, they were able to concentrate on other things in their spare time and started to develop architecture, sciences, philosophy, writing systems...
Awilu: The nobility or upper classes.
Mushkenu: Free people not belonging to the upper classes, such as artisans.
Wardu: Slaves.
The correct answer is Anticipatory Socialization
Explanation: Anticipatory socialization is the creation of expectations by the newcomer prior to entering the organization. Sometimes it is essential to socialize a person so that when joining any institution, they can understand in advance a little of what they will find there. Someone completely ignorant might not even know how to position himself; especially when the organization is dependent on specific behavior.
right and wrong
, good and evil, right and left, and us and them
According to the screencast, the problem with our mass media has not been that they have been teaching us "bad values" so much as they have been inundating us with "bad narratives" by which your instructor means narratives where everything is too-simplistically reduced to <u>right and wrong
, good and evil, right and left, and us and them</u>.
You must be voted in by citizens or any type of voting party