What is legalisms? excessive adherence to law or formula.
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The Renaissance period was the time of great art masterpieces. They learned to portray life forms ins realistic proportions and clothing by learning the technical side of art like painting. Art is also about math deductions like geometry and light perspective. After the plague in Europe, they were driven to create art as works of God.
The United States has supported Israel in past wars, such as the 1973 war with a coalition of Arab States. It cost the USA something to give that support, as the Arab oil-producing states placed an oil embargo on the United States. The US values Israel as an ally in the Middle East, but also seeks to caution Israel against provoking war with a major state like Iran, against whom the US really does not want to get dragged into war.
South Korea
The United States has a large military presence in South Korea, seeking to assure its security vs. the communist regime in North Korea. If indeed North Korea were to attack the South, the US would support its democratic ally. But lately there have been overtures between North and South Korea, seeking to work out a more peaceful relationship, and the US is participating in that process.
The United Kingdom
The United States and the United Kingdom (the British) have been allies for a long time and enjoy a "special relationship," as Winston Churchill termed it. As allies they have helped one another in the war on terror in the Middle East. They also routinely share intelligence that each nation gathers, in the interests of their mutual security. Sharing of intelligence reports is something allies will do in peacetime as well as during active war.