The conflict that highlighted the scenario is the differences between the patricians (Flavius and Murellus) and the plebeians. Flavius and Murellus are both tribunes that should take regard the political interests of the working class. The patricians insults the workers by calling them "idle creatures" while the commoners in turn shows no respect to the tribunes.
She is grateful that the train ride is relatively short
and will be over quickly.
In a room.
From the poem, we can see that she is in a room, perhaps at night because it is indicated that she came into a room and she was described as kindling the narrator and they "wake up glowing" which could be in a literal or figurative way.
<u>When she comes slip-footing through the door,
<u>she kindles us
<u>like lump coal lighted,
<u>and we wake up glowing.
<u>She puts a spark even in Papa’s eyes </u>
<u>and turns out all our darkness.
<u>When she comes sweet-talking in the room,
<u>she warms us </u>
<u>like grits and gravy,
and we rise up shining.
Even at night-time Mama is a sunrise
that promises tomorrow and tomorrow.</u>
<u>Mama Is A Sunrise</u> by Evelyn Tooley Hunt.
I’m not sure if the quote is from a specific story, but unless the character is literally deaf in it, this is an example of metaphor.
A metaphor is when a word, phrase, etc. is used as a symbol or means something besides it’s literal meaning.