Read each question carefully and brainstorm ideas before you begin. Use complete sentences and support your answers with evidenc
e from the text. 1. How are Yun Ok's character traits—demonstrated in her quest to obtain the tiger's whisker—going to help her accomplish her goal of reconnecting with her husband?
2. Is Yun Ok afraid at any point in the story? Why or why not?
3. At the end of the story, do you consider Yun Ok successful? Why or why not? Cite specific details from the story to support your conclusion.
Yun Ok eventually goes far enough in the cave and sees the tigers eyes one night. She sets down the meat as usual and leaves. She keeps getting closer and closer. Then one night the tiger comes to her and takes the meat. The tiger becomes like a house pet to Yun Ok and this continues for a couple more months. Yun Ok one night tells the tiger she is going to clip one of the whiskers. She gets the whisker and takes it to Sage. Sage then throws the whisker in the fire. He then asks Yun Ok how she got the whisker. She tells him and he asks what is more of a savage beast, the tiger or man? <span>Yun Ok says that the tiger is harder to train. Sage then says that the potion is in your heart with love, kindness, patience, and effort. Yun Ok was still mad at first because she had "wasted" all of that time to learn a simple lesson. </span> Yun Ok's husband returned home from the war and is not the same. He is very quite and is not happy or affectionate anymore, just not the same. <span>Yun Ok went to the hermit, sage, for advice or a potion she could get to make her husband better. Sage said to get a tigers whisker and then he will make her a potion to help with her husband.</span>
You study the correct way for the right answers to all problems. Sometimes we think we are right, and then findout we where wrong. Always ask questions and always double check.