the name of the brand.
Marketing mix can be defined as the choices about product attributes, pricing, distribution, and communication strategy that a company blends and offer its targeted markets (customers) so as to build and maintain a desired response.
Generally, a marketing mix is made up of the four (4) Ps;
1. Promotions: for a good sales record or in order to increase the number of people buying a product and taking services, it is very important to have a good marketing communication such as advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, etc.
2. Price: this represents the amount of money a customer buying goods and services are willing to pay for it.
3. Place: this represents the areas of distribution of these goods and services for easier access by the potential customers.
4. Products: this is typically the brand name, goods and services that gives satisfaction to the customer's needs and wants. They are either tangible or intangible items.
In the context of a marketing mix, the product includes the name of the brand.