Animals can be categorized into 3 based on body symmetry
- <em>Those without any body symmetry (asymmetrical)</em>
- <em>Those with bilateral body symmetry (bilateria)</em>
- <em>Those with radial body symmetry (Radiata)</em>
Animals can be categorized into 2 based on number of embryonic germ layer;
- <em>Those with two layers - endoderm and ectoderm (diplobastic)</em>
- <em>Those with three layers - mesoderm in addition to ectoderm and endoderm (triploblastic)</em>
Animals can be categorized based on presence/absence of body cavity or coelom;
- <em>No body cavity - acoelomates</em>
- <em>False body cavity - pseudocoelomates</em>
- <em>True body cavity - coelomates</em>
Animals can be categorized into 2 based on characteristics of embryonic development;
- <em>Deuterostomes</em>
- <em>Protosomes</em>
if its a couple with a trans man (female to male) they can have a baby if they havent had surgery.
a trans woman (male to female) can also have a biological baby with a woman if they havent had surgery.
They could also have had a baby in a past relationship though it wont be biological to the other parent.
Answer: Option B
Explanation: The first line of defense acts a barrier and does not allows the foreign materials to enter inside the body. It includes chemical and physical barriers that are always ready to protect the body from infection.
Example: Skin and mucous membrane.
Skin is largest organ and it acts as a barrier between pathogens and human body. It acts a waterproof material and the pathogens cannot get inside through skin unless the skin is broken.
Mucous membranes also acts as first line of defense and breaks the cell wall of many bacteria entering through the openings of the body.
So, skin and mucous membrane are the first line of defense.
Aerobic respiration needs oxygen to occur, while anaerobic does not.
This presence of oxygen determines what products will be created. During aerobic respiration, carbon dioxide, water, and ATP are produced. During anaerobic respiration, lactic acid, ethanol, and ATP are created.
The correct order would be:
1. A tree absorbs the carbon from the atmosphere into its leaves for photosynthesis;
2. A caterpillar gets the carbon by eating the tree's leaves.
3. A bird gets the carbon by eating the caterpillar.
4. The bird flies into a building and dies instantly. It falls to the ground.
5. The bird decomposes and the carbon returns to the atmosphere.
The carbon cycle is very similar to the water cycle, though it has its own unique ways. Once the carbon is released into the atmosphere, it will either be absorbed by the vegetation, or go up into the higher parts of the atmosphere. If it is absorbed by the vegetation, the organisms that eat the vegetation will get it in them. When the predators eat those organism they get the carbon into their organisms. When the predators die, they start to decompose. When they decompose, the carbon is released from them and it returns to the atmosphere, and the whole process goes all over again.