The correct answer is lower interest rates. If a credit card balance is paid in full within the grace period then the customer will receive lower interest rates. But if the credit card balance is NOT paid in full within the grace period then the customer will receive higher interest rates.
Juniper,Elmer & Sue are examples of people with lifestyles
They all invest their time in important things.Juniper makes money to provide for themselves,Elmer might work from home but he still dedicates time to helping others around him & Sue is trying to improve on herself while trying to keep the environment clean
. A limited government is structured to keep peace among all parties involved in the government. In a limited government, the people who create the laws must follow the laws, and the citizens have choice in who becomes a lawmaker.
E. Construct Validity.
Construct validity is mostly used in social sciences and psychology. It is mainly a device used almost exclusively in social sciences, psychology and education.
For example, you might design whether an educational program increases artistic ability amongst pre school children. Construct validity is a measure of whether your research actually measures artistic ability, a slightly abstract label.
Just like case above that has to deal Dr. Ross looking to examine if the certain indicators which tends to complete her romantic attraction measurement are truly related to one another and make for an accurate representation of the variable she is researching.
going to the park
skateboarding e.t.c
social activities are leisure activities