D. They are both mixed economies.
No, the attorney is not subject to discipline. It is the legal responsibility of the attorney(Retained by the insurer) to advise the insurer accordingly should any case issues arise.
All the parties involved(The Insurer, the construction company and the attorney) have their respective responsibilities in the case issue.
The Insurer under normal situation must be responsible for the construction company, in case of any accident or loss, if the issuance application is adequately represented by the company
The company must represent the insurance application correctly. If the Insurance application is misrepresented, the Insurer reserve a legal right of refraining from its responsibilities to the construction company
The attorney's duty is to ensure if the insurance application is correctly respresented also defend the isurer's client(The construction company) legally. He/She discovering a misrepresention in insurance application by the construction company can advise the insurer that it had no obligation to provide coverage, and He/She is not subject to discipline by doing so.
I think that since jet is younger, is brain will be able to speak the second language in no time but Mr. Li would need months practice before he could speak english
The response to the question is a discrete random variable.
By definition of a discrete random variable we infer that the response can only take certain known values but the response shall be completely random. As an example when we toss a fair coin the out comes are discrete as only either head or tail is possible and the outcome is random meaning we cannot predict the outcome before hand.
Similarly an continuous random variable takes any value in a set and there are infinitely many possible values it can take. For example if we choose any real number between 1 and 10. Since the answers are infinitely many in number and are completely random.
Now in our survey we can infer that the responses shall be either "yes I smoked last week" or "No i didn't smoke last week". Hence the variables are discrete and random.