Cleaning materials
1. Cleaning powders
2. Cleaning liquids
a. Zonrox
b. Muriatic Acid
The complete and correct hierarchy of taxonomic groups from largest to smallest are:
1) Domain
1.1) Archaea 1.2) Bactera 1.3) Eukarya
2) Kingdom
2.1) Animalia 2.2) Plantae 2.3) Fungi 2.4) Protista 2.5) Archaea 2.6) Bacteria
3) Phylum - has 35 phyla
4) Class
5) Order
6) Family
7) Genus
<span>8) Species</span>
A) It would die as harmful substances entered the cell
Glycolysis produces two molecules of pyruvic acid that undergoes a process allowing it to enter the kreb (citric acid) cycle that eventually produces ATP molecules from the electron transport chain
Im not sure what are the choices?
Sensory nerves that are part of the peripheral nervous see your arm. Nerve impulses are brought to the brain by interneurons and the brain processes the information and you decide to lift your arm. Nerve impulses from the brain travel again through internuerons and into motor nerves that control the movement of your arm.