Hatchback Original MSRP / Price Engine
Supra 3dr LB Auto $31,078 / $29,122 6 Cylinder
Supra 3dr LB Sport Roof Auto $35,648 / $32,842 6 Cylinder
Supra 3dr LB Sport Roof Turbo Auto $38,778 / $35,903 6 Cylinder Turbo
Supra 3dr LB Sport Roof Turbo Manual $40,508 / $37,362 6 Cylinder Turbo
Application Software Type Examples
Word processing software MS Word, WordPad and Notepad
Database software Oracle, MS Access etc
Spreadsheet software Apple Numbers, Microsoft Excel
Multimedia software Real Player, Media Player
Presentation Software Microsoft Power Point, Keynotes
Answer: wanna say engineering technology and science and mathematics
It is done to avoid collision among the channel.
CSMA/CD stands for carrier sense multiple access/collision detection.
It is a media access protocol that tells the devices how to respond when a channel is used simultaneously by two devices. The main purpose is to manage the transmission when a collision is encountered.
In the given scenario when the channel is detected idle, the station does not transmits second frame in order to avoid collision. CSMA/CD protocol is designed so that after transmission of first frame, second frame transmission is started at step 2 instead of step 1.
Following is given the flow chart that depicts the working of the protocol CSMA/CD:
<h2> I hope it will help you!</h2><h2 /><h2 />
A notebook is ln excel is that what you are talking about?