I saw the film and I thought it had a decided Red color. ... in Russia, many kinds of food: all in all a very happy picture was made of Russia. ... I also want to say this, in defense of Warner Bros, that there has probably been no ... That is to say nothing of what we have done in Japan or in Austria, and have done in other areas.
option 1 is the correct answer
Founding father of Liberalism John Lock based his views off Christianity which where many atheists base thier morality off and Islam bought many advancement in science and mathematics, women's rights, animal and environmental rights.
Sit-ins and freedom rides advocated C. NON-VIOLENT PROTEST.
Non-violent protests or non-violent resistance is the practice of achieving goals such as social change through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political non-cooperation, or other methods without using violence.
Other methods of Nonviolent protests and persuasions are:
1) student strikes
2) sit-downs
3) turning one's back
4) vigils
5) "haunting" officials
6) disrobing
Answer: Democrats, especially those in the Southwest, strongly favoured the Mexican-American War. Most Whigs, however, viewed the war as conscienceless land grabbing, and the Whig-controlled House voted 85 to 81 to censure Democratic Pres. James K. Polk for having “unnecessarily and unconstitutionally” initiated the war.