In The Giver sameness is the idea that everything must be the same and that people should not be different from one another. It's when things are not the same that creates problems. For example, the people in Jonas' world realized that unpredictable weather caused problems/. The Giver creates an environment of sameness when the people have no emotions, no choice, and they don't see color. The Giver creates an environment of sameness by making the people not see color. Everyone sees black and white.
By understanding the meaning of the words.
Sow means planting. " I sow the seeds in the soil".
Sew means to stitch. "She sews her seams sweetly and neatly".
<span>Every day your gender, race, and other lifestyle factors affect what you think and how you ... of how an author's personal life and background can influence his writing. ... around writing about black culture and making connections to his ancestors. .... in Great Expectations · Quiz & Worksheet - Book Censorship History & Facts ...</span>
The main idea is a brief statement off of what you read. A summary is something that you gather all supporting points into a paragraph.