The first process is called transcription where the DNA's information is used to make mRNA. The second process is called translation where the tRNA comes with an amino acid to drop off. A chain of amino acids will eventually be formed to create a protein. Transcription comes before translation. Think that you have to script something before you can translate it.
Due to reduced rate of egg production and several disorders caused by hormonal imbalances
Women lose their fertility at the age of 45 while men are able to produce sperm throughout their life. The reasons however for this are not very clear but it has been found that the rate of production of egg decreases with the advancement of age of females. Also the quality of egg degrades thereby reducing the likelihood of an egg being genetically normal. A woman along with faces several disorders due to the hormonal imbalances and one of these disorders is PCOS, ovarian insufficiency etc., which lead to distorted pattern of menstrual cycle.
Given what we know about the biological mechanisms behind anaerobic exercise, we can confirm that the production of lactate ensures a continuous supply of NAD.
In order for us to undergo any physical exercise, it is imperative that we are able to produce energy within our cells. The energy used by cells is in the form of a molecule by the name of ATP, which is produced primarily through a process known as <em>Glycolysis</em>.
This is relevant given that in order for glycolysis to happen, a key protein is required known as NAD+. Lactate is produced from pyruvate only under anaerobic conditions because these are conditions that lack oxygen which is the only other source of NAD+, therefore, pyruvate must be converted to lactic acid to make it possible to continue glycolysis and the production of ATP.
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parasitic plant = A parasitic plant is one that survives at the expense of another, often living and growing on and over the host plant, while siphoning off the other plant’s nutrients and water, and sometimes blocking access to sunlight.
insecticide plant = Insecticide, any toxic substance that is used to kill insects. Such substances are used primarily to control pests that infest cultivated plants or to eliminate disease-carrying insects in specific areas. insecticide application. A farmer sprays insectides in a rice paddy in Japan.
The ratio between the force of sliding friction and the normal force of an object is called the coefficient of friction.
Hope this helped :)