The correct answers are described in the Explanation section.
The function of the structures in the cell membrane are as follows:
a) phospholipid bilayer: comprised of fatty acids and alcohol, the phospholipid bilayer acts as a hydrophobic barrier to avoid the uncontrolled transport of molecules and ions.
b) peripheral protein: they are proteins present in the external surface of the cell membrane. This proteins form temporary bonds between the cells and other molecules, attaching and detaching at specific times.
c) integral protein: this proteins have one part of its structure in the surface and other part within the cell membrane. They have different roles, including: receptors, transporters, linkers, channels, among others.
d) glycolipid & glycoprotein: proteins that have carbohydrate-bearing portions in its extracellular environment. They maintain the stability of the cell membrane and facilitate cellular recognition.
e) cholesterol: cholesterol structure helps to the packing of the phospholipids, which restricts the passage of the molecules.