The Alabama Slave Code of 1852 was a list of laws about bondage. The code was long and mostly controlled the behavior of enslaved Africans, but it also made rules that affected whites and showed how they felt about slaves.
1. No slave must go beyond the limits of the plantation on which he or she resides, without a pass, or some letter from his master or overseer.
2. No slave can keep or carry a gun, powder, shot, club, or other weapon..
3. No slave can, under any presence, keep a dog.
4. No slave can own property.
5. Not more than five male slaves shall assemble together at any place off the plantation.
Pretty sure the answer is (B) because this was a westward and a non native american included thing
Secondary sources analyze and interprets primary sources. <span>Also, they may have pictures, quotes or graphics of </span>primary sources in them. T<span>extbooks and magazine articles could go under secondary sources.
Hope this helps!
During the Rebuilding of the Old Order, the president and Congress disagreed over how the south should be rebuilt and how the Confederacy should rejoin the Union. The rebuilding was a crucial step in African-American civil rights struggle, and the Freedman's Bureau distributed clothes, food, and fuel throughout the South while also establishing schools and hospitals for African Americans.