During the second millennium BC, the Phoenicians became seafaring merchants...
Phoenicians were, back in the day, quite famous sailors, traveling even beyond the Mediterranean and into the Atlantic. They were influenced by, among other reasons, the desire to trade and the possibility of bringing home silver, gold and tin. Their reputation got them represented in artistic works in other lands, and several nautical inventions are attributed to them.
Perception can simply be defined as the way or means in which people organize and interpret their sensory impressions so as give their environment a meaning.
in closure, when we see an incomplet image, data or information or when given incomplete information, we want to seek completion thereby filling in bits which do not actually exist. In doing that we may have fill it up with the wrong or right information. example is when we see or we were given visual images to view, that is we include the extension of lines to form an unbroken outline of an object. most times we read meaning to what we see and run into conclusions that are not really real. Closure is important because it gives the parties the opportunity to own their part
Most times, when you see an image that has missing parts, your brain will fill in the blanks and make a complete image so you can still recognize the pattern.
The Elastic Clause
The Necessary and Proper Clause is often called the Elastic Clause because it caused the powers of Congress to snap. Congress can appropriate money to different deparments of the Federal Government. McCulloch v. Maryland gave strength to implied powers and elevated the Federal Government over the States.
All these colonies were against Massachusetts policies. For example, Roger Williams was banished from Massachusetts, so he created Rhode Island.