Fresco Secco. In the dry plaster or "fresco secco" technique, pigments are usually mixed with water, although other substances might also be used. The paint is then applied to a dry plaster wall which has been wetted down with water.
The answer is B. Students have to choose their own partners for the wheelbarrow race contest.
It is gramatically correct, and makes more sense than of the other option.
Hope this helps:) a
First, the candlestick has 9 candles. It is called a Hanukkiah, though most people call it a manorah. we use this during the holiday, Hanukkah (which starts in 3 days!). one candle is the shamash and we light one for each night of Hanukkah.
The second, the animal horn, is called a Shofar. We blow and make noise with it on Rosh Hashama, this directly translates to "head of the new year". this is the jewish new year. in anchent times, the horn was blown at the crack of dawn to wake a village up and tell them it was a new year.
Last is the fruit. I am not sure which fruit this is but, if it is yellow, it is an etrog. We use this on sukkot. it is kinda like a lemon but more sour. you shake it with the lulav to represent the body, the lulav, and the heart, the etrog. you are not supposed to eat it, though.
I am jewish, just so you know:)