Four reasons to keep your money in a financial institution like a bank are: Its the safest place for your money. In the case of burglaries or any such misfortune, a financial institution is the safest option. Interest rate is an added incentive for keeping your money in an institution. Money usually keeps losing and gaining value. In a bank it will keep earning you an interest on your savings. It is easy to manage your cash, keep track of your expenditures and savings. Value-added facilities provided by these financial institutions are also an attractive incentive.
Often the last step of the scientific method is to make the findings available so that other researchers can repeat, or predict the outcome of the research
kinesthetic is the bodily intelligence which is the ability of an individual to control his body's physical movement. It shows adeptness of his motor skills. people who possesses kinesthetic intelligence excel in activities which needs physical movements such as dance and gymnast.
Kinesthetic intelligence was evolved by Howard Gardner who proposed that intelligence is not only about being good with pen and paper.
Since Jill is good in ballet dance, it shows her kinesthetic intelligence.
because he was the good teacher the almighty God the one who is and is yet to come the messiah the promised one the Son of God king of the jew name above all names King above all kings the way the truth and the life