Southeast Indian - Southeast Indian - Settlement patterns and housing: The basic settlement unit throughout the Southeast was the local village or town. These varied in size and configuration depending on local ecological resources and cultural preferences. Some towns attained populations of more than 1,000 individuals, but the more typical village was home to fewer than 500 residents.
Face is the correct answer.
A member of Parliament is a member of the House of Representatives, which has a minimum of 120 members, elected at a general election for a three-year term.
I believe the answer is: Common underlying principles
Common underlying principles refer to the standard set of mind that we commonly use to approach a certain problem.
If an individual is used to look everything that happen in his/life postiively, that individual would less likely to develop suicidal thought regardless of his/her problems.
The two different goals that the criminal justice has are to prevent crime and reform the offenders. the first aim is to prevent crime from happening in the first place with the use of general deterrence in hopes that before committing people will weigh the pros and cons of the action. the second aim is to reform the offenders by changing the stimuli that caused them to commit a crime in order to ensure that they become productive, law-abiding members of society.