1. The piece starts off with," I was born..." Which is a clear indication that the person is talking about themselves. Which is one example as to how this article is a autobiography.
2. This is an autobiography because this person is stating the issues that happened in there families and how it affected him/her. An example of that would be when the writer stated," I also remember the terrible feeling of helplessness I had at such an early age; it was a terrible time." With that example it goes into more detail as to how this piece of text fits as an autobiography.
3. You learn how it really felt and a personal account on what happened during that time. In addition, the writer goes into how their brother got ill and how their family made it through that rough patch in there lives. They describe how their mothers condition, wailing the whole time affected them, plus the unsanitary conditions that they had to live through. The writer goes in depth on how their mother and father tried desperately not to keep them hungry.
Participation. ...
Rule of Law. ...
Transparency. ...
Responsiveness. ...
Consensus Orientation. ...
Equity. ...
Effectiveness and Efficiency. ...
This are the main part that make up a good and correct goverment.
<em>I hope it helped, let me know if it did.</em>
Yet the poems final line reveals that,despite seeming to have everything he could want,Cory kills himself.The poem thematic interests in wealth,property,and elusive nature of happiness are deeply tied to its historical context:
A series of economic depression that stuck the U.S. in the 1890s
That is the answer if my book