I think this might help.
Avian influenza (bird flu) has the potential to cause a healthcare crisis of unprecedented
global dimensions. Many predict a global pandemic far worse than the
1918 Spanish Flu, which killed 40 million to 50 million people. A larger, denser
global population, coupled with modern transportation systems of both goods and
people, could result in a pandemic killing far more people worldwide. The consequences
of such a pandemic would stretch beyond just public health. International
relations, commerce, politics, travel, medicine, and economic and social infrastructures
would be affected due to widespread infection and worldwide mitigation
CORE issues a report claiming that the U.S. military draft places “a heavy discriminatory burden on minority groups and the poor”.
The Lend Lease Policy
During the debate over the bill, which continued for two months, Roosevelt's administration and supporters in Congress argued convincingly that providing aid to allies like Great Britain was a military necessity for the United States.
Credits: History Channel
That is true
Have a nice day
Outbreak of the Spanish American wars of independence in most of the empire was a result of Napoleon's destabilizing actions in Spain and led to the rise of strongmen in the wake of these wars. The defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815 caused an exodus of French soldiers into Latin America where they joined ranks with the armies of the independence movements.