You may not operate a vehicle unless all child passengers <em><u>under the age of 16 years</u></em> are either wearing a safety belt assembly or are securely fastened into an approved child restraint device.
Safety in driving or operating a vehicle provides a possibility of preventing possible injuries or accidents. This is why drivers or potential drivers are required to take a driver's exam to get their license to verify and 'educate' them about safety both for the occupants and the public around them while operating a vehicle.
One of the rules of the requirement that involves <em>children or young people is that those under the age of 16 years are required to use a safety belt or be securely fastened in an approved child restraint device</em>. This will keep them safely in place in cases of any accidents. This is a legal requirement for any parent or adult to safely operate a vehicle.
Most immigrants had experienced so much extreme change and uprooting, they felt like they had witnessed enough change to last several lifetimes.
Too much pride can lead into trouble
The magician always has too much pride, and then one day he lost everything
He will realize how the animals feel, and he might actually have remorse for them