Initially, you might want to look at how little America does produce- what could we even offer to a nation that produces almost everything. Another reason why Americans may be at a disadvantage with trading with China is due to our HUGE trade deficit- we owe so much money. On top of that, taxes on things being traded can be used against nations, if we traded with China and they raised the tax on imports than it could impact us very negatively.
The more education that everyone has the smarter they will be and they will make the society better.
The Indo-European culture language, while the Greeks got most of their culture from Egypt and Mesopotamia. With a little Sparta in there.
C. Personal Liberties
James Madison introduced the bills to amend to the constitution due to several calls from various states for rights to protect individual liberties, which was later to be known as the Bill of Rights.
Some of the rights protected by the bill includes:
1. Freedom of speech
2. Freedom of press
3. Freedom of voluntary lawful assembly
4. Freedom of religion
5. Right to fair hearing
6. Right to bear arms