Evolution is driven by rare mutations that occur in the DNA of organisms. These mutations could be lethal, neutral and some advantageous. The lethal mutations cannot exist in a population because the offspring is unable to survive to term in pregnancy or dies just after birth. The neutral are ones that do not considerably affect the organisms – though they could result in a disadvantage. The beneficial ones are the one that is kept in the population by natural selection because they confer an advantage e.g in the fight for resources or escaping predation and etcetera. Therefore, it's like a game of chances by nature. Paleontologists discover many species of organisms some of which are imperfect because nature produced them but they died off because their mutations gave them a disadvantage against better-adapted individuals.
The <em>Tiktaalik</em> fish from 375 million years ago became extinct because it did not well-developed eardrum for detecting vibrations in water which is significant in survival.
Dinosaurs during development of feathers had many imperfect species before the right wings for flight were conjured up by nature. An imperfect species is the <u><em>Tianyulong confucius</em></u> had stiff feathers that lacked vanes hence were not ideal for flight
Picture number one: Blank one=E Blank two=A
Picture number two: Answer=A
The terrestrial gastropods are the only mollusks that have adapted to all the habitats of the Earth. They dwell in areas of high altitude, mountainous regions, hot and cold places. Land snails live and perform their vital functions on the ground and not in the sea or bodies of fresh water.
characterized by presence or absence of antigens
the blood types are A, B, O, AB
There are two antigens and two antibodies that are mostly responsible for the ABO types. The specific combination of these four components determines an individual's type in most cases. Erythrocytes and serum were related to the presence of antigens on these erythrocytes and antibodies in the serum. these antigens are A and B, and depending upon which antigen the erythrocytes express, blood either belonged to blood group A or blood group B. A third blood group contained erythrocytes that reacted as if they lacked the properties of A and B, and this group was later called "O" blood group. The fourth blood group AB, was added to the ABO blood group system. These erythrocytes expressed both A and B antigens.
Blood group Antigen present on RBC Antibodies in serum Genotype(s)
A antigen A anti-B AA or AO
B antigen B anti-A BB or BO
AB both A and B antigen none AB
O none anti-A and anti-B OO
The primary difficulty is the fact that we do not know all of the organisms that currently exist in the world along with those that existed in the past.