A woman comforting another woman.
Manslaughter involves a Non-Premeditated Intent to kill. Involuntary Manslaughter would be a Non-Premeditated, Accidental "Murder."
Murder itself is having the Intent to kill, and Planning to do so.
1: Germany was blamed for the start
2: Germany induced the worst blows
:America was drudug into it
President Hoover responded cautiously to the Great Depression because he "A. thought that the business cycle would correct itself," mostly because it was impossible at that point to know the extent to which the depression would develop.
Partisan Elections
Elections are the local level are considered to be more partisan because political parties tend to have a stronger grip on local politics, and also because it is higher for a non-partisan or disrupting figure to overwhelm the party infraestructure and run as an independent at the local level.
This also causes a higher degree of party loyalty among citizens at the local level.