Machu pich, Cuzco, Chan Chan, Lake titicaca
<span>The Freudian stage during which girls must resolve the Electra complex is the identification stage.
</span>Electra complex is the conflict between erotic attraction, resentment, rivalry, jealousy and fear in girls.<span> When the girl desires the father, but realizes that she does not have a penis.</span> The same thing in boys is called Oedipus complex.
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Answer: the correct answer is all of them are choices.
Explanation: A co-culture is a group whose values, beliefs or behaviors set it apart from the larger culture, which it is a part of and with which it shares many similarities. Cultures may comprise many subsets, and these co-cultures may thrive within them. For example, many world cities have a Chinatown or cities have college students that have the same concerns, etc.
No one is rich.
No one is poor.
Everyone has the same things.
No one is more important than anyone else.
Everyone works for the good of society.