Capitalism---- <span>an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state
communism--- </span><span>a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.</span>
Declaration of independence has its emotional as well as socio-ecomic sides.
the country will be replublic and independent on global stage if it has it's own constitusion and is free from any foriegn power
The correct answer is the federal budget was balanced
This was as a result of Clinton’s prudent management of the economy. Although he had inherited a government that was running a deficit, he implemented various policies among them reform of welfare spending and increases in tax which led to a balanced budget and later on a surplus
Answer: Enrichment at the expense of the submissive
The absolute underdevelopment of African countries will result in the colonization of the continent by European invaders during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Areas rich in natural and mineral resources will become easy prey to the colonizing powers of Europe.
The economic progress of the European conquerors will rely entirely on the exploitation of non-native countries. Luxury items such as diamonds, spices, cotton and more will overwhelm the market, and all capital from the sale and exploitation will go into the pockets of the colonizer. Some governments have gained enormous wealth thanks to the colonial conquests of the African continent