A!!!!!!! I got it right on the test
Explanation (Why I'm confused too):
"Nepali is an Indo-Aryan language" and "Bhanu Jayanti is an annually celebrated cultural festival."
What in the world is this class for?!?!?
I recommend just looking up Bhanu Jayanti on your web browser and doing some research on your own. I have <u>no idea</u> what to do about the Nepali part...
Good Luck!
D. Business owners should be taxed to pay for workers' retirement.
Karl Marx book 'Das Kapital' favours communalism, against Capitalism. He states that society comprises of two classes : Capitalists (Bourgeois) & Workers (Proletariat). Capitalists (entrepreneurs) owe all the factors of production, are entitled to profit and labour just gets paid in form of 'wages' for the good produced.
Marx suggests that 'materialistic interpretation of history' has always led to power in the hands of group having productive resources. Goods are produced according to labour engaged in making them as per 'labour theory of value'. Capitalists class tend to pay workers much less than their production value, retain 'surplus value' for 'capital accumulation' to grow themselves. And meanwhile labour class gets just subsistence wages.
The two classes struggle due to all above mentioned, lead to : workers revolt against capitalists, abolishment of personal property and suggest Socialism to be best socio political system. It doesn't suggest that ' Business owners should be taxed to pay for workers' retirement'
In poorer countries people might not have enough money to go to the hospital or food,