A. Each party benefits in some way
See explaination
using namespace std;
bool contains(int arr[], int size){
map<int,int> nums;
for(int i=0; i< size; i++) nums[arr[i]]=1;
int product;
for(int i=0; i<size-1; i++){
for(int j=i+1;j<size;j++){
product = arr[i]*arr[j];
if (nums[product]==1) return true;
return false;
int main(){
int arr[] ={6,4,-3,-2,0,5};
cout<<boolalpha <<contains(arr,5)<<endl;
return 0;
Program is in C++
C++ Code:
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
int main(){
char ch;
cout<<"Enter Character: ";
if (isupper(ch)){
return 0;
Code Explanation
First execute a do while loop as we want user to enter at least first character to check whether its upper case or not. If user enters exclamation character then this loop will terminate along with the program.
To check whether the entered character is upper case or not we will be using isupper(ch) method defined in cctype library.
If the character is upper case then if condition will show Ok by printing it using cout and this program will show nothing if the character is not upper case.
Sample Output
Enter Character: A
Enter Character: b
Enter Character: c
Enter Character: d
Enter Character: E
Enter Character: G
Enter Character: F
Enter Character: !
This can't adequately protect the user data on the system as one needs to enable file history.
<h3>How to depict the information?</h3>
In order to protect a windows 10 system, one will need to configure the system restore to automatically protect your system using restore points.
Despite this, this can't adequately protect the user data on the system as one needs to enable file history.
Learn more about windows on:
Light text on a dark background
Microsoft PowerPoint is an application software in which the company ables to introduce themselves by making slides and presented to an audience in an easy and innovative way. In this, we can add pictures, sound, video by adding the different text, colors, backgrounds, etc
For memorable and professional presentations, the light text on a dark background is a best combination as it is easy to read and give the best view of the message you want to convey.