a) Internal consistency
The consistency of different items meant to measure the same thing within the test. An internal consistency contains a special case of reliability to split half, the scores of two halves of a single test are compared. This comparison of two tests tends to index reliability.
Land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship
Answer: The correct answer is "A. A only".
Explanation: First-in, first-out (FIFO) process costing first transfers out the costs in beginning inventory because the oldest units are the first to leave (First in - First out).
And it does not require an additional step in cost allocation to units transferred out and the final Work-in-Process inventory.
Most of the small business found that small, community banks were more willing to lend money to small operations, it is due to the credit crunch during the recent recession. The community banks are more willing to help the small businesses to gain again their capital or investment.