This should be false because the data is not organized year by year, but rather in an alphabetic order. Of course, it's also false because not all encyclopedias contain statistical data, it all depends on the encyclopedia.
You should map out what you are going to write about in your body paragraphs (pre-writing, outline, four-square). What are the main points in each paragraph that could help you to form the statement? Once you have that, it should make writing the thesis statement a bit easier. If this is just a general overview, you could write something like, "Tchaikovsky's composition was shaped by many events that occurred early in life, during his adult life, and long after he passed away." Again, it would largely depend on what you want your reader to know about the paragraphs they are about to read.
<span>None of women born shall harm him
Therefore its A</span>
<span>They contribute to the rising action by revealing additional information about the characters of the Lebrun brothers.</span>
<span>Malcolm X uses an ominous and foreboding form of language and style when describing Harlem and the challenges and issues that the community there face, ranging from the risk of becoming addicted to narcotics, or falling victim to gang violence, to even institutional repression.</span>