The state of nature
According to Hobbes, the state of nature is the state where individuals do not live in society, nor under any government.
In this state of nature, each people take care of themselves only, in a war against everyone else for survival.
Because everything can be taken from them at any moment, people do not have any incentive to produce more than what is needed for basic survival.
The state of nature ends when people form a social contract, in which the give power to a government (the leviathan) in exchange for the protection of life, liberty, and private property.
Sự tiến hóa và bản chất của khoa học
Khoa học là một cách đặc biệt để biết về thế giới. Trong khoa học, những lời giải thích chỉ giới hạn ở những gì có thể suy ra từ dữ liệu có thể kiểm chứng - những quan sát đã dẫn đến những lời giải thích thuyết phục về cách các sinh vật tiến hóa
<span>The reliance on only observable entities in order to come up with laws is realism. In arts for example, realism aims to present its subject and the art itself without being superficial but only the truth and nothing but the truth. Therefore it avoids any fantasy-related elements.
master statuses
In the sociological context, master status is the social position to which an individual relates the most while expressing themselves and others. In the term master status, status is the core of an individual's social identity. For example age, sex, race, etc but in the modern world, most people find the strongest allegiance to their occupation.