Personally i think B because he says to exist is to think, meaning it is inseparable, you cannot exist if you don’t think basically
a question mark
I hope this is what you need
She believes that a thorough knowledge of your topic and plenty of practice is leading to success.
The first verb to believe is used in present simple tense because it refers to her habits or general truth. In this example, she expresses something in what is she certain. The second verb to lead is used in present continuous tense because this action will be also present in the future and refers to a permanent situation that will continue and does not stop in the present moment.
Let s(i),k denote the substring s(i)s(i+1)...s k. Let Opt(k) denote whether the sub-string s1,k can be segmented using the words in the dictionary, namely (k) =1 if the segmentation is possible and 0 otherwise. A segmentation of this sub-string s1,k is possible if only the last word (say si k) is in the dictionary theremaining substring s1,i can be segmented.
Therefore, we have equation:Opt(k) = max Opt(i) 0<i<k and s(i+1),kis a word in the dictionary
We can begin solving the above recurrence with the initial condition that Opt(0) =1 and then go on to comput eOpt(k) for k= 1, 2. The answer correspond-ing to Opt(n) is the solution and can be computed in Θ(n2) time.