The oldest religion is Judaism.
Judaism is one of the ancient religions, born in the region of Judea have the Torah as a holy book. After Judaism, two other religions emerged from Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; together, they are the first three monotheistic religions that existed.
For the religion of Judaism, the oral tradition is essential; through this, the traditions are transmitted for generations to teach the knowledge of religion to each generation. The essential characteristic in the Jewish religion that was later transmitted to other religions such as Christianity is the faith they have towards an omnipotent, omniscient God.
<em>I hope this information can help you.</em>
It is extremely unlikely they are real, as the brain is not developed enough to form and store such memories during those years.
In general, it is unlikely that a person can or may remember anything about one's birth or even early years. It is further stated that no one can remember anything about one's childhood until the age of three, let alone one's birth.
Janna's insistence that she has <em>"memories of her own birth and the events of the first two years of her life"</em> is extremely unlikely. Or even if she does have any memories of that sort, they are unlikely real, because the brain is not developed enough at that point of time to enable or store memories of those early years.
Thus, the correct answer is the fourth option.
This was Tenochtitlan, which is was turned into today's Mexico City after the conquest.
Tenochtitlan was the Aztec capital, located on an island on the lake Texcoco, which was drained and where today's Mexico City is located.
Occupational ethics are the standard code of conduct which guide a profession. They are meant to be strictly adhered to and in the profession of law where justice is meant to be served. There shouldn’t be any anything shady and bribery is against the ethics.
This is why after a lengthy investigation, Legrand lost his license to practice law on charges of accepting bribes due to his violation of the occupational ethics.
The correct answer is letter "B": community and personal valor.
Native Americans is a term referred to the tribes living in what today is the U.S. and Canada before English settlers invaded the continent and occupied their territories mostly by force thanks to the use of firearms. When it comes to religion and values, different native American tribes had different beliefs but all of them had in common the importance of keeping their lands for their communities' wellness.
<em>Native Americans placed especial value in equality and acceptance of all people. They did not use to value each other for what they had but for what they were.</em>