process providing most of the oxygen found
in Earth's atmosphere is >>>>>photosynthesis
Tropical Deciduous Forest
If an individual Drosophila has two or more populations of cells comprising different genotypes from one single egg then it is termed as twin spots or mosaic.
There might be different reasons for mosaic to occur like
Nondisjunctioning of the chromosomes
Lag in anaphase
Mutations in a single cell
Mitotic recombination:
One of the major ways through which mosaic or twin spots arise is the mitotic recombination. It is also termed as somatic cross over. Twin spot or mosaic generally occurs if there is linking of heterozygous genes in repulsion. The recombination generally happens among the centromeres from the adjacent genes.
A common example of the mitotic recombination is the Bloom's syndrome. Bloom's syndrome is caused due to the mutation that occurs in the <em>blm</em> gene. As a result, there are defects in the BLM protein produced.
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration allow the carbon and oxygen that organisms consume and produce to be cycled through the ecosystem. They work together so that what is made from one process is used in the other. Without them the ecosystem would run out of carbon dioxide and oxygen, and everything would die.
Pacinian corpuscles are rapidly-adapting, deep receptors that respond to deep pressure and high-frequency vibration.