A monhybrid cross is the inheritance of a single character and dihybrid cross is the inheritance of two difference character.
Before the rise of the Mongols in the 13th century, it is now
called central and western Inner Mongolia, particularly the Hetao region,
change back and forth in control between Chinese agriculturalists in the south
and nomadic Mongol of the north. is known through Chinese chronicles and
The major function of the contractile vacuole of amoeba is osmoregulation. The solute concentration found in the cell of amoeba's cytoplasm is more than the solute concentration in the freshwater that surround the external part of the organism, thus, water enter the cell through osmosis. The contractile vacuole collect the excess water and expel it through an opening in the cell membrane. By doing this, the contractile vacuole maintains the water balance in amoeba. This how the contractile vacuole normally operate.
In a situation where amoeba is placed in seawater, then water from the cell cytoplasm will rush out of amoeba cell, because of the higher salt content of the surrounding medium. The contractile vacuole will respond to the situation by increasing its contraction and pumping water out the cell in an accelerated manner, this will lead to the shrinking of the cell.
Ciliates move (c) using cilia. It is a group of protozoans. Cilia is an organelle of ciliates. It is a hair-like organelle that helps the ciliate move. It is also used in many ways like food gathering. It could even be used to sweep down food to their central channel.