The industrial revolution increased the power and wealth of "factory owners" mostly, but this is a misleading question, since the revolution increased the wealth of practically everyone except the aristocracy.
One incredible part of a culture and an explanation social standards feel so familiar, is that we learn culture how we get familiar with our local language: without formal guidance, in social settings, lifting it from others around us, without speculation.
Genuine model is the expression sex. before; sex alluded both to sexuality and somebody's biologic sex: male or female. Today, although sex still alludes to sexuality, "sex" presently implies the class’s male, female, or progressively, other sex conceivable outcomes.
The Humanists ideas, the growth in textual analysis, and the NorthernRenaissance changed the intellectual landscape and encouraged many Church reformers, such as Martin Luther, and they later broke with Rome and divided Europe into two confessional camps, Protestantism and Catholicism.