China they restrict the number of children a couple can have by putting a tax on them if they have more than 1 child
With the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt on April 12, 1945, Vice President Harry S. Truman assumed the Oval Office. He surely knew he faced a difficult set of challenges in the immediate future: overseeing the final defeats of Germany and Japan; managing the U.S. role in post-war international relations; supervising the American economy's transition from a war-time to a peace-time footing; and maintaining the unity of a fractious and powerful Democratic Party.
Secret police (or political police) are intelligence, security or police agencies that engage in ... We want no Gestapo or Secret Police. F.B.I. is tending in that direction. ... Two methods of doing so are: increasing fragmentation
Mark me as brainiest3 Please
Islam was and still is being spread by violence and coercion. 1400 years after it was invented by Mohammed.
No religion is spread peacefully.