If you mean that people bring it up to space with them, that’s false. If you mean humans launch it into space, then I think that’s true.
Beep boop I am am a Robot and I... nahh i'm just kidding, I am Logan and I got demonitized. That is a big no no.
Oh yeah, and the Answer is probably to Persaude the Reader btw.
feet is the right way to spell the plural of foot
You'e welcome
All these terms are used in reference to a word or expression except for diction that refers to a way of pronouncing.
1. Manner of expressing ideas in words: diction
2. Worn out by use: trite
3. Words or phrases usually characterized by a special vividness or coloring: slang
4. Used in everyday, informal talk, but not in formal English : colloquial
5. Stiffly dignified or formal: stilted
6. Not definitely or precisely expressed :vague