Texas Road - Wikipedia
The Texas Road, also known as the Shawnee Trail, Sedalia Trail, or Kansas Trail, was a major trade and emigrant route to Texas across Indian Territory. Established during the Mexican War by emigrants rushing to Texas, it remained an important route across Indian Territory until Oklahoma statehood. The Shawnee Trail was the earliest and easternmost route by which Texas Longhorn cattle were taken
The Neutrality Act of 1935 prohibited exporting arms and ammunition to any foreign nation at war. ... In November 1939, two months after the beginning of World War II, Congress passed the Neutrality Act of 1939, which lifted the 1935 arms embargo and placed all sales to belligerent nations on a “cash and carry” basis.
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Abraham Lincoln won the presidency in 1860 because the pro slavery vote was split between several candidates. He ran against three others. They were Northern Democrat Stephen Douglas, Southern Democrat John C. Breckenridge and Constitutional Union candidate John Bell. Lincoln was the only Republican and the first to win a presidential election.
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