Compare & Contrast Informative Essay/Speech
When speaking or writing for the sole purpose of providing information in order to give audience members a good basis for making a decision, you would present an informative speech or essay. Because you wouldn’t want to be persuading the audience by arguing for one type of exercise over the other, you wouldn’t choose a persuasive/argumentative technique. To fairly, and without bias, present information about the pros and cons of each type exercise, a compare/contrast, informative speech/essay would be the best bet.
The answer is B, kiki has to decide wether to turn mya in or turn a blind eye.
This answer is clear when you answer the text a little bit. The lines "Like a cloistress she will veiled walk, and water once a day her chamber round" implies that she will be walking around her chamber (room) and cry. It is also made clear that this is because of her brother's death, by the line "A brother's dead love, which she would keep fresh... And lasting in her sad rememberance". Hope this helps!