5,400 because it turns at the right speed, but if it is too fast or too slow, it will not perform at it's fullest potential. Such as speed and storage.
He invented the tabulating machine. In 1890 U.S
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a meta-language that defines a language (of your creation, within XML specs). The language that you create has to follow your specifications.
When you let the mouse pointer
pause for a moment or two over an item, it is called Hovering. Hovering means
positioning the pointer to a specific object without clicking yet any mouse
buttons. You also do not move it for at least a second. Hovering the mouse
pointer may have the targeted object display its infotip or tooltip.
B. !
(e<span>xclamation point is the symbol that </span>separates<span> a </span>worksheet reference<span> from a </span><span>cell reference)</span>